2014 has come to a close and a new year is upon us. Rob shares some quick thoughts on 2014 as a whole and then covers a few Essen 2014 releases that he’s played in the past few weeks. This includes Castles of Mad King Ludwig, La Granja, Orleans, Aquasphere, Doodle City, Hyperborea, Kingsport Festival and others.

Special guest Philip duBarry joins Rob once again and he talks about his latest Kickstarter for Spirits of the Rice Paddy.

This Board Game Life is holding another contest!!! This time the winner will get the game Guildhall from AEG. Listen to the show to find out how to enter. Winner will be announced on Episode 38!

Lastly Rob discusses Doodle City, Camel Up, revisits episode 17 in 20 Shows Ago and has Xcom on Game Lust.
